Freeman 165 Regular Sheet Wax

This light yellow color wax is formulated to provide durability, pliability, and ease of application while resisting stretching and moisture. This wax's translucency in sheets up to 1/8" thick makes it excellent for visualizing layout lines and transcribing engineering information.

Other features of this wax include: 
- Non-shrinking 
- Uniform thickness accuracy of ±.002 
- Uniform length and width accuracy of ±.015 
- Firm surface for durability and depression resistance 
- Melting point of 177°F

Note: Master-branded Regular Sheet Wax (previously manufactured by Kindt-Collins) has been discontinued. It can easily be replaced with Freeman 165 Regular Wax as it is so close in formula and performance.

PL165 Regular Sheet Wax 12" x 24" / 305mm x 610mm (Plain back)

Our full size low temp sheet wax in imperial and metric thicknesses, without adhesive

PS165 Regular Sheet Wax 12" x 24" / 305mm x 610mm (Adhesive back)

Our full size low temp sheet wax in imperial and metric thicknesses, with adhesive

PL165 Regular Sheet Wax 8" x 12" (Plain Back) - Inch Sizes

Our one-third sized low temp sheet wax in imperial thicknesses, without adhesive

Bulk #165 Sheet Wax

This material is priced and sold by the 6.5 pound billet.
