Polyurethane Elastomers

Extensive line of urethanes offering a wide range of demold times (from minutes, to hours, to overnight), hardnesses, and unique performance characteristics to meet the needs of foundry tooling, and the production of flexible molds and thermoplastic prototype parts.

Rapid Cure Urethane Elastomers

Machine dispensed urethanes of various hardnesses for rapid reproduction of prototype thermoplastic parts.

Intermediate Cure Urethane Elastomers

Hand-pourable, durable polyurethane elastomers in various hardnesses that are ready to demold in 30 minutes to a few hours

Overnight Cure Urethane Elastomers - Flexible

Hand pourable urethanes ideal for flexible molds and parts

Overnight Cure Urethane Elastomers - Semi-Rigid

Hand-pourable urethanes ideal for foundry patterns, core boxes, fixtures, and semi-rigid parts

Overnight Cure Urethane Elastomers - Rigid

Hand pourable rigid urethanes ideal for producing prototype and short production thermoplastic parts.

Polyurethane Accessories

Urethane elastomer additives that promote adhesion, accelerate cure time, and protect against moisture contamination
